Yo! SASSIE! Dat You?

SASSIE Sets Sail ~ Painting by Maggie Begley

Are you SASSIE?  I am.  In other words, are you an individual who considers themselves to be:


If you are such an individual, then we may just be kindred spirits, and this just may be your kinda place (even if you’re only a partial SASSIE :)). And/or, if you don’t resonate with that first bit, maybe you consider yourself to be more of a:

As the SASSIE Churns ~ Painting by Maggie Begley


…In other words, somewhat of a rebel?

If so, don’t rule out The Spirited Soul and I, yet. There are all kinds among us. Take this one out for a little test-drive first and see how we handle. (No contract, purchase or assembly required). We might be a good fit, as long as I don’t veer TOO far off course (though that’s exactly what a rebel SASSIE would do!).

This is my first challenge to you. I think that everyone can benefit from creating their own Personal Mission Statement about their focus in life. Here is the one I came up with for myself:

“To be a Spiritual Warrior who faces Life’s challenges, while maintaining her Balance, Integrity and Faithfulness, with Clarity, Strength, a strong sense of Intuition, Self-Love and Inner Peace; all the while giving Gratitude and Surrendering to God’s Merciful Plan for Me…That I may also be of Service to others, both personally and professionally, on their own unique Journeys.”

Even though I have this fabulous Mission Statement, the following is still something I need to repeat to myself, every now and then, so it too is a Mission Statement of sorts:

“Release my grasp; stretch myself; be open, patient and still. Let my troubles, my worries…my old unneeded ways of ‘being’, pass on through. Cradle what is left, gently, in the palm of my hand. Keep my balance strong and steady; don’t be afraid to hold the ’emptiness’.”

Relax the Grasp! (Photo by Maggie Begley)

Relax the Grasp!
(Photo by Maggie Begley)

My own sentiments remind me of a quote by Satchidananda that I came across in a newspaper last year, while on vacation (and when I took this photo). It has since become the primary perspective by which I live and work. I now see it manifesting around me ALL the time!:

“There is a Divine Plan behind everything, and if we allow ourselves to be used by that unseen Force many things can happen in a mysterious, miraculous way…”

Sometimes it’s best to allow things to slip through our grasp, while we prepare, and wait patiently, for something new to come rest in its place. My daily prayer is one of discernment, asking for guidance about what to hold on to, what to release, when, and how.  Happy Sailing to you! 🙂 And even Happier Landings!

About The Spirited Soul And Life-Energy Dynamics ©

I Value The Creative Force In All Its Expression: Arts & Culture, Personal Growth & Healing. I Offer Advanced Energy Medicine; Tailored Sessions Honoring Each Uniquely Spirited Soul. Distance Healing is Now My Focus.
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6 Responses to Yo! SASSIE! Dat You?

  1. contoveros says:

    Who you calling a SASSie?

    michael j


  2. I almost called us ASSes 🙂 That would’ve worked too, but SASSies are just more…sweetly spunky.


  3. How ’bout we take it even further?
    Engaged &


  4. Christina says:

    I like SASSies, and actually, I like ASSies too!!! So, how do I ‘join’ the SASSieses? ((o:


    • Christina, I think you just did! (Plus when you became a subscriber that was built in. Glad to see your claiming it!!). Since we’re SASSIES, we take it one day at a time and see where it leads. Now that you are in on the ground floor, feel free to improvise any suggestions herewith. Don’t worry, even though you’re already a member of Metz Team Angel, you are allowed dual citizenship in Maggie Country 🙂


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