Life-Energy: Water & How It Relates To You (#2 of 5)

Water is about Relationships & Bonding
(Photo by Maggie Begley)

The Five Subtle Elemental Energies of the body are the same as those in nature: Ether (Space), Air (Gases), Fire (Transformations), Water (Fluids), and Earth (Solids).

Fundamental Field Theory/Therapy applies to animals as well. Your pets have their own problems, and like children, they are energetic sponges for what’s going on around them, in their caretakers’ lives.

The Elemental Energies in your body also have the same color configuration as a rainbow: Ether (Blue), Air (Green), Fire (Yellow), Water (Orange) and Earth (Red). In the Negative Pole of the Fundamental Field of Life-Energy (a.k.a. the Sympathetic Nervous System, the Chakra System at the Caduceus, and the domain of the Unconscious Mind), the Water Element is the second most dense of these Five Elemental Energies. The Water Element is associated with the Water Signs of Astrology: Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer natures. Water Signs, or those with lots of Water in their charts, will be more vulnerable to Water Issues.

In the body, the Water Element arises from the #2/Sacral Chakra as it spins, carrying a negative electrostatic charge. The Sacral Chakra is located at the sacrum, with reflex areas at the chest/breasts, shoulder blades, sacral belly, bladder, spleen, lymphatic system, reproductive system, secretory glands, hips, pelvis, buttocks, feet, ring fingers and ring toes.

There are also five Levels of Vibration within each of the Five Elements. (Think of there being five 5-layered cakes. Each cake when sliced has five layers). For example, the Water Element, on the Level of Psychology (Ether/Space), is associated with attachment and letting go, lust and gluttony; on the Level of Motion (Air/Gases), it is flowing movement; on the Level of Physiological Motivation (Fire/Transformations), it is associated with sex, regeneration and reproduction (i.e. libido, fertility); on the Level of Biochemistry (Water/Fluids), it is associated with interference from food, supplementation, drugs, allergies, sickness, and disease that effect the Water reflex areas/organs; on the Level of Structure (Earth/Solids), it is associated with the musculature, tissues, glands, membranes, ligaments and tendons.

The Water Element also encompasses the Issues of: Family, bonding, being parented and parenting, physical nurturing, sexuality, sensuality, creativity, and emotional acuity. Any depleting activity in this chakra, be it emotional, mental or physical, will affect these areas in particular, as well as your entire system. For example, your emotions can affect your physical body. If you are feeling abandoned or overwhelmed in a relationship, it may show up physically as painful shoulder blades, immune issues due to clogged lymphatics, lack of libido, menstrual pain, or even prostate or breast cancer. Your physical body can also affect your emotional body. So, if you are doing too much bending/lifting putting stress on your hips and sacrum and/or eating too much fatty, acidic food effecting your ability to fight off viruses…this might make you more susceptible to feeling vulnerable around sexual or physical nurturing issues, feeling closed down, or conversely, like you’re not getting your needs met. This is partly how the mind-body connection works. Of course, each person is different, and the interactions can be a little more complex than that, but Dr. Metz and I have a handle on that in terms of helping you to figure it out. That’s our job!

If you have problems with any of these things, it could be due to blockages in these particular areas, or at any point in the system which reflexes to these areas. Dr. Metz/myself would determine that by using what Dr. Metz calls “Energy Resonance Methods”, which is a skill that one can learn, a “felt sense”, not necessarily a psychic or an intuitive one. It’s like tuning an instrument, or your voice, to a pitch pipe. You can hear and feel the resonance, whether the two are in tune or not. Anyone can develop this skill with desire and practice. Similarly, Dr. Metz and I can scan one’s system with a question in mind, and we can feel the resonant pull of energy when we’re in sync with the question. For instance, we could ask, “What is the energy in the system currently dealing with that is most urgent?” We might get verification on our answer by running our hands along the body, and feeling a resonance when we get to the feet, which could mean the Water Element is being disrupted. That would pose another set of questions, such as: “Is this person stressed and by what? What is draining the energy there?” Some Water Issues that could be questioned are: Too many parenting responsibilities? Not drinking enough water, or eating enough leafy greens? Overindulging? Hormones gone askew? Fighting a virus?

After information is gathered, through these means and discussion with the client, bodywork can then begin. There is another set of questions that helps direct the customized protocol, but intuition, in addition to resonance, is now the best way to treat the energetic system, being that it is interconnected in ways that are complex and not linear. During a treatment, the client’s system takes in the energy being radiated and focused by the polarity and placement of the practitioner’s hands, like acupuncture does with needles (and jumper cables do with a battery). With the intention and attention of both practitioner and client towards “Highest Healing Good”, the client’s own innate intelligence does triage and sends the energy to where it’s needed most. After the treatment Dr. Metz/I would again reassess the client again, via Energy Resonance Scan, and make suggestions as to what the client might do to facilitate/maintain an energetic balance appropriate to their system.

In general, these are some of the ways you can keep your Water Element balanced: Surrounding yourself with, or wearing the color orange; listening to or playing slow smooth music (like the cello); getting your feet and hips moving through swimming; making love or getting a massage; playing with children; cuddling animals; engaging in the art of cuisine/cooking; focusing on the sense of taste, salty tastes in particular; and eating orange foods, as well as foods that grow from ground-level to two feet (leafy vegetables, melons, cucumber, squash).

The key to keeping everything in balance is to not “over-do” or “under-do” anything. “Everything in moderation” is sometimes easier said than done, but it’s important to at least keep ourselves reminded of that fact, and have fun doing it!

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About The Spirited Soul And Life-Energy Dynamics ©

I Value The Creative Force In All Its Expression: Arts & Culture, Personal Growth & Healing. I Offer Advanced Energy Medicine; Tailored Sessions Honoring Each Uniquely Spirited Soul. Distance Healing is Now My Focus.
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6 Responses to Life-Energy: Water & How It Relates To You (#2 of 5)

  1. I just want to say that I know for most people who will read this, it is a different way of looking at things, with strange new lingo. I’m sorry that this post started out simple, and then got kinda complex. I would love some feedback as to how I have presented the info, constructive criticism is good. Feel free to leave a comment. It doesn’t do me, or anybody, any good if I can’t be understood, or if interested folks can’t access what I’m saying. And I certainly don’t want to be TOO boring…just the right amount of “geek”. 🙂


  2. Donna Doncaster says:

    Thanks for posting Maggie. I’m learning lots. Makes me want to
    come in for a massage!! Hugs,


  3. Lynn says:

    No wonder swimming always makes me feel better!


  4. Pingback: Life-Energy: The 3 Magnetic Poles (Atoms Are Us) | The Spirited Soul

  5. Pingback: Your Chakras and You. (It’s not so spooky). | The Spirited Soul

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